I've taken 27 tests in 5 weeks and that is Soooooooo.... NOT how I function....and I've definitely had to adapt.
I am a Kinetic Learner.... Tactile....Self-Directed...... a "Do-er"
It's apparent in every aspect of my life..... Learning from experience....vs. reading or being told...

Some people can just read a textbook or hear a lecture and they immediately grasp what's being taught...but for me.... I have to do a lot more than that....

Some people can just read a textbook or hear a lecture and they immediately grasp what's being taught...but for me.... I have to do a lot more than that....
I can read a book for leisure and remember it without question, but if it's something that I have to remember for a test I really have to do extra work....
In math I had to do problems over and over and over again, chemistry formulas I had to practice over and over again.....
I remember taking a test for my psychology test in college and on the test I drew out all of the diagrams from the book from memory before I could even answer the essay question... my professor called it the most creative test he'd ever seen, but really..... I physically had to draw those to remember the concepts....
I don't do well with multiple choice tests, especially online ones because if I read the paragraph in the book that the question referred to..... the paragraph becomes unclear and jumbled in my mind and all of the answers look right because all I can remember is that all of those words were in the paragraph....but I mix up the right vs. the wrong....
I've had to adjust to being in this Esthetics program....

In order for me to remember the bones, muscles, nerves, etc.... I have to physically draw them and label them myself.... I have to make flashcards....

In order for me to remember the bones, muscles, nerves, etc.... I have to physically draw them and label them myself.... I have to make flashcards....
I have to associate everything with a physical action...
It's almost Compulsive....
But with all of that hard work..... breeds creativity and ideas for more projects.....
Get ready to see lots of drawings..... New project posts.... and more
But with all of that hard work..... breeds creativity and ideas for more projects.....
Get ready to see lots of drawings..... New project posts.... and more